Teacher: Yasmin Naudi
Nursery Officer: Judith Hornsby
Books to share
Each week your child will select a book from the book corner to read with you at home.
Communication Books
In your child’s PACT folder there is an orange communication book. This is for you to write any notes for staff and occasionally, staff may write notes for you. These will be checked if you put it in the box by the door. If you have something you wish to discuss at greater length with staff, please let Jo know so we can arrange a convenient time to meet.
Spare Clothes
Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes in school at all times. This is to be kept on their peg. If the spare set comes home to you dirty, please do ensure it is replenished with a new set as soon as possible. Please also ensure that all of your children’s clothes are named.
There will be a piece of fruit available every day for your child. However, if you wish to pack an additional snack for them to eat during morning playtime, it must be raw fruit or veg.
Home Learning
Every Friday, the Caterpillar Class newsletter will go onto the school website. On this you can find details of our learning during the week, along with any key dates and information you need to be aware of and suggestions for activities to support your child’s learning at home.
PE Day Friday
School Hours
Morning children
Monday – Friday: 8:45 -12:00
Afternoon children
Monday – Friday: 12:15-3:25
Full time children
Monday – Thursday: 8:45 -3:25
Fridays: 8.45 - 2.30 or 3.25 ( please confirm with nursery team when you will be collecting)