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Open Morning

This will take place on Friday 8th November 2024 at 9.30am.  Please just come to school on that day, there is no need to book a place.



Our Nursery offers free part-time 15 hour places for all children. There is a charge for the additional 15 hours (see below) or you may be eligible for 30 hours of funded childcare a week.  To apply for your 30 hours free childcare code and find out more information, go to  Any children applying for the 30-hour free childcare will be required to pay a deposit of £100 (non-refundable) once the application has been accepted.  This deposit will be refunded on enrolment of your child in the nursery.

The maximum number of children in the Nursery at any time is 36 and there are 3 members of staff.

Tours are available on request, and please see the virtual tour video on the School Info page.

Admission to Nursery is in the September of each year; children have to be three years old by 31st August and fully potty-trained to be considered for entry.  Nursery application forms are attached below and can be filled in and returned to the office or emailed to: 

Timings for the two sessions are below:

Group 1:  Monday, Tuesday Full Days and Wednesday Mornings
Group 2:  Thursday, Friday Full Days and Wednesday Afternoons

2025–2026 Fees



Payment date


£758 Deposit (non-re fundable)

17th April 2025

Autumn term


1st May 2025

Spring Term


1st November 2026


£758 (deposit of £758 already paid)

1st March 2026

Total for 3 terms



* to be updated for 26/27 fees in Spring 26

Reception - Year 6

There is a separate application process for admission to Reception - Year 6, coordinated by the council.  Please contact the local authority if you wish to apply for a Reception to Year 6 place.  If you are not able to get through to the council, please do contact Ytzi at  She will email them directly on your behalf.

The “Choose a Wandsworth Primary School” booklet gives further details and is available from pupil services.  Telephone (020) 8871 8265 or email

You can apply online or on paper to Pupil Services by January 2025.  

Please see below the link:

Reception children do not start on the first day of the Autumn Term.  Intake of children is staggered and if your child is offered a place you will be given a start date.

Sheringdale is a two-form entry school with each class size having a maximum of 30 children.  Your child moves on to a primary school reception class in the September of the school year in which the child reaches their fifth birthday.

Attending the nursery at Sheringdale does not guarantee a reception class place in the following year.